Friday, October 31, 2008

The falling gas prices, I wonder why?

I'm sure most of you have noticed the falling gas prices across the country and especially in Northwest Ohio the past month or so. I'm sure it's merely a coincidence that this precipitous fall in price aligns very closely with the coming election season. That being said, I would suggest that folks fill their tanks on November 4 to take advantage of the election season sale.

In 2004, right before the election, I paid $1.32 and 9/10 a gallon and shortly after that the price took off, increasing in leaps and bounds. Who knows if the fuel price cut just prior to the election had something to do with the outcome, which was a very narrow victory for George Bush.

I'm sure the powers that be have systematically reduced the price of a gallon of gas over the last month so that voters will think, "Hey, things aren't that bad, I'm going to stay with the status quo and keep the GOP in power". Let's hope that we're not fooled again.

Vote for change, vote for the future. Let's turn Ohio Blue!


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