Friday, October 24, 2008

Contact the Ohio Republican Party

Today, after receiving another in a series of immature flyers through the mail from the Ohio Republican Party regarding the Ohio District 46 race, I contacted them directly and asked to be taken off their mailing list. I suggest that anyone else who is sick of the garbage that is filling our mailboxes every other day do the same and send them a message.

The specific flyers are negative towards Darlene Dunn and urge the reader to "Vote "No" On Dunn". As readers of this blog understand, I deplore negative advertising with a vengeance.

The phone number for the Ohio Republican Party is 614-228-2481. Call and send them a message that you're sick of this type of childish advertising. And vote for Darlene Dunn for State Rep in District 46.


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barbara Sears must have nothing at all to tell the citizens of the 46th District about herself and her plans. She failed to demand that the Ohio GOP stop this trash. No "Profiles in Courage" for Rep. Sears.
I will not vote for Sears or anyone else who is so weak that they can't even control their campaign.
Sears must be one of those career politicians that simply wants to be elected to get PERS coverage. What a shame.

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I received a GOP flyer running down Sen. Obama. It seems the GOP has money to waste. If they only looked at my voting record they would see that the number of times that I voted in a GOP primary during the past 30 years is ZERO.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Mark said...

I am getting the garbage from the party even though in 28 years I have not requested a GOP primary ballot as well.

Maybe they're crazy and think this is the year we'll make the switch? I did receive the latest anti-Obama piece as well. Maybe they're too incompetent to take people off their mailing list. Funny that they don't have any "pro McCain" pieces to send out.

6 days to go.


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