Monday, September 01, 2008

Will McCain dump Palin from the ticket?

There are rumblings that senior staff to John McCain are studying options prior to Wednesday night when Governor Palin is set to be nominated for the vice-presidency at the GOP convention.,0,1563786.story This would represent the first VP candidate to be dropped off a major party ticket since Thomas Eagleton back in 1972. Of course, Palin is not yet on the ticket, so technically she would not be discarded. Reportedly, social conservatives are not happy with the latest reports of Palin's 17 year old unmarried daughter being pregnant out of wedlock.

Another revelation just in regarding multiple millions of federal dollars which went to Wasilla, Alaska while Gov. Palin was mayor. See link here: . This contradicts the reformer image that the McCain campaign has attempted to build for Palin in the days since she was named as the VP choice and also goes against a McCain theme in his campaign regarding earmarked federal funds. Another in a series of stories that may get the Alaska governor bounced from the ticket. This keeps getting better and better. Stay tuned.


At 2:57 PM, Blogger bobthedad said...

McCain has no choice but to ride this one out. Even though she hasn't been officially nominated, if he drops her from the ticket he will appear indecisive and unprepared and there isn't a living running mate that could rescue his campaign. That Eagleton thing didn't work out so well.

On the other hand, if she manages to survive the inevitable frenzy we are about to see, that could backfire on the Obama campaign and cause her to appear admirable if not courageous. Does she have enough hutzpah to stand up to the Iranians, Russians and Islamic extremists? She'll have to prove herself by getting past the Democrats first.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he wants any chance to win, he will ask her to reconsider and to withdraw.


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