Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Why the controversy about the interview of Obama's family?

The newest "scandal" seems to be about the light hearted "interview" given by the Obama family for Access Hollywood. While I did not see the entire program, it appeared to be nothing more than a brief introduction to Barack Obama's children and the portion I did see showed two normal girls who were charming and seemingly well-adjusted.

I'm not sure that this says anything about Senator Obama and his family, but it does appear to speak volumes about the current state of American politics where everything one does or says is put under the microscope. The furor, which apparently revolves around the Senator vowing to keep his children out of the limelight and then allowing the interview to occur, makes no sense to me. One of the things that the national media was able to do quite well was to keep any focus off of Chelsea Clinton during the time her father was president. I have every reason to believe that the press will also allow the Obama children similar privacy if the Senator is elected president.

I hope our focus as voters is on the issues of importance and not silly unimportant items such as this interview, the wearing of flag pins, and others. I'd rather know if we are going to engage in more pre-emptive wars, keep growing our deficets which increases the burdens on our children and grandchildren, and how we are going to educate our children and grandchildren for the future, among other issues. If our election this fall comes down to fear and folly, then we all lose as citizens.


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