Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Looking for courage in our local leaders

After the defeat of the Anthony Wayne Schools 6.5 Mill levy in the March 5, 2008 primary, the spotlight shines bright on our state legislature which refuses to address the issue of public school funding in Ohio.

Those on fixed incomes and others in financial hardship who voted against the 6.5 Mill levy should contact our District 46 state representative, Barbara Sears, and the former District 46 representative and current District 2 state senator, Mark Wagoner and ask that they commit themselves towards working toward a solution which works for the citizens of Western Lucas County.

There is simply something wrong with a system remaining in place which has been ruled unconstitutional four times by the Ohio Supreme Court. Pushing this issue off into the future has been the modus operandi of the state legislature which has been controlled by the republicans for the last twelve years. This is simply irresponsible and short sighted.

Please contact these elected officials and ask that they exhibit the courage to lead on this issue. Let them know that they will be held accountable for their failure to at the very least work on a proposal for fixing this decade plus long dilemma.

The time is now, Mr. Wagoner, to exhibit some courage and take the time to use your position of leadership and make some progress on this issue. Ms. Sears, please make this a priority as the citizens of Southwest Lucas County are watching and waiting.

Our patience is wearing thin. The education of our children and grandchildren is at risk. We're ready for action to reduce the property tax burden on our citizens. Please don't continue to let us down with inaction and indifference to this issue of great importance. Please exhibit the courage necessary to propose solutions. Silly slogans and negative campaigning won't get it done this time.

Thank you and have a great evening.


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