Monday, November 06, 2006

Reason # 5 to vote Dansack for District 46 State Rep.

Press Release, November 6 , 2006
For immediate release

Mark Dansack Stands for Change in Ohio, Mark Wagoner protects the status quo.

Beginning October 31, Mark Dansack will be recapping over the next week the reasons why residents of District 46 will be better served by electing a voice for positive change in Ohio rather than his opponent, who embraces the present "pay to play" dynamics now running rampant in Columbus.

Reason #5, It's (past) time for a change in Ohio

Tonight, all Ohioans from Lucas County to Hamilton County to Franklin County to Cuyahoga County and all points north and south and east and west stand at the gateway of change. Change to a government which stands for the common good rather than special interests; change which looks out for and assists the middle and lower class rather than the richest few; change which honestly attempts to solve problems such as our public school funding dilemma rather than to irresponsibly push these problems off into the future; change which will eliminate the "corruption tax" in Ohio and put those dollars to use for the public good rather than for a favored few.

My wife Heather, daughters Caitlin, Sophia and I are grateful for the wonderful help of friends and family who came together to support this movement for positive change in Western Lucas County. Renewing old relationships and forging new ones, we put forth a great grass roots effort to achieve positive change in Ohio and regardless of the outcome, we have made a difference.

I was reminded this evening by my older daughter of what is most important to me . Caitlin(age 5) has unfortunately gotten used to her Daddy leaving in the evenings for events and meetings throughout the past seven months, many times after grabbing a quick dinner. Tonight she asked me if I was staying home or if I had to go out to another meeting. When I told her I was staying home, her face lit up and she proclaimed, 'Yea! Daddy's staying home tonight'!

It is for our children, yours and mine, that we decide to become involved and try to make this world a better place in which to live. Whether you volunteer at a senior center, an elementary school, a soup kitchen, or in any other way, the positive difference that you make in someone's life can certainly affect the quality of life in your community.

I have had the great honor and priviledge to run on the same ticket with men like Ted Strickland and Lee Fisher, Marc Dann and Richard Cordray and women like Jennifer Brunner and Barbara Sykes, and distinguished candidates like Ben Espy and William O'Neill. We can and we will turn around Ohio and make it a better place for our children and grandchildren, where jobs are plentiful and every child has the opportunity for a first class education. We can eliminate the fraud and waste in our governmental agencies and funnel those funds toward the common good.

As this campaign comes to an end, it is merely the beginning of a new day in District 46 and the rest of Ohio. The farmer I met in Swanton, the auto workers I spoke with in Maumee and the teachers who helped me in Whitehouse all want the same things. They want good jobs, a chance for their children to get a great education, and like all the rest of us, they want their public officials to be held accountable to a higher standard. I absolutely ask that you hold me accountable when I am elected and I also ask that you are there with me in helping to address our concerns and issues that will shape our future.

In closing, I want to again thank those who have stood with me throughout the past seven months. Against great odds, we were able to put forth an agenda for change, and god willing, I will be there in January, 2007 to help Ted Strickland address our challenges in a straight-forward manner and help lead our state back to a role of prominence in our nation.

Thank you and god bless all of you who are working every day to make this world a better place for all of our children. Have a great evening.



At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job Mark. Win or Lose, you campaigned with real integrity! You will truly be an independent voiice for DIstrict 46. You did not simply use the words (integrity or independent) in a direct mail piece or tv commercial. You walked the walk.
I know some had wished that you would have tied your opponent to the Noe's a little bit more aggressively, but you always wanted to put the people of the 46th district first.
Have a great day tomorrow and good luck.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark - I do not live in District 46 yet, but I sure hope that you are successful in your campaign tommorrow. I would hate to be represented by someone who needed to spend the type of $$ that Mr. Wagoner spent to try to retain his seat. He was negative and his ads were false. Sounds a little like the crew we now have in Washington.
I guess when you are recruited to run by Bernadette Noe, funded by TOm Noe, and a strong supporter of outgoing Gov. Bob Taft, you don't have much of a positive message to offer the voters. Congrats on making them spend $200,000 in a race that until you stepped up would have been an unopposed cakewalk for Wagoner. Thanks.


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