Monday, August 21, 2006

On a personal note .... first day of kindergarten for Caitlin

After a fun-filled weekend with my family at the Maumee Summer Fair taking part in the Parade and the Taste of Maumee, along with some door to door on Sunday in Holland, it was back to reality on Monday. Part of that reality was experiencing my daughter Caitlin's first day of Kindergarten at Monclova Elementary in Monclova Township.

It hardly seems possible that our older daughter is 5 now, it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital after she had been nameless for about 8 hours, until we decided to call her Caitlin Elisabeth.

Watching her board the bus this morning, Heather and I were filled with mixed feelings, proud and happy that our daughter has thrived in her 5 years, but probably somewhat reluctant to let her go off on her own to school. Well, the reports are in, and Caitlin did well with, thankfully, no major issues developing today.

My wife and I are both products of the public school system in Ohio and we have every confidence that Caitlin and Sophie (although we're not rushing her, she's only 2) will have every opportunity to get a first class education from the fine school system in the Anthony Wayne district.

Watching my older daughter today as she bravely passed the milestone of her first day of school helped me to recall my reasons for having taken on this race for the general assembly in Ohio. We can work for positive change in Ohio and leave a legacy that our children and grandchildren can be proud of, but only if we work for policies that benefit ordinary law abiding, tax paying citizens and move away from our recent past of taking care of special interests and favored alliances. The choice is ours. We can send the power brokers a message that we've had enough and return our state back to the people. If you are interested in helping our effort, please contact me at

Thanks and god bless all of our children.



At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always when we see our children we realize that time is going and when we are pleased of our achievements we are more motivated to keep going. It is a beautiful feeling that give us the power to go on.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It seems just like it was yesterday when that was one of mine heading off for their first day of kindegarten. Now my youngest is entering 6th grade and my next older child is a senior in High School. The others in college or in the work force.

Mine have done well, but I also agree we can do a better job on so many fronts. Especially when it comes to how we fund public education.

Congratulatins to Cailtlin on what is the beginning of a brand new experience for her. She will do well because she has you and Heather who will be there to help/support and at times just listen.



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