Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fundraiser and Lucas County Fair Parade

We've had a busy and exciting week thus far on the campaign trail. On Monday, July 24, our campaign participated in the Lucas County Fair Parade in Maumee. I had the chance to meet many Maumee residents on the Parade route and my group had a great time.

These events are always fun for Heather, Caitlin, Sophie and me and we were joined by friends and supporters, greeting the people lining the streets of Maumee. Although these events don't allow for the one on one dialogues for voters to voice their concerns, we did receive a great welcome and positive response from those we saw along the way.

On Tuesday evening, I was priviledged to be joined by many supporters and friends at Loma Linda restaurant in Swanton as we kicked off the general election campaign with our first fundraiser. I want to thank all my family and friends (old and new) for coming out to make our event the success that it was. We were also joined by several Lucas County office holders and leaders from the labor movement and I am grateful for that support.

This weekend we'll be at the Democratic Reunion event at the headquarters on Saturday, July 29 from 6-8:00 pm and I hope to see some of you out there as we continue the campaign to restore integrity and ethics to our government in Ohio.

Have a great evening.



At 11:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I saw you at the Dem Reunion but didn't get a chance to connect. Eventually that will happen.


At 8:12 AM, Blogger Mark said...

It was a great turnout and hopefully indicative of a statewide movement to send the special interest groups a message that the people of Ohio want their government back.

I can't think of a better way to send that message than to send a political outsider from District 46 (the epicenter of the Coingate scandal) to Columbus rather than a well-funded, well-connected incumbent who has received special interest campaign donations regularly and has lined up with the Taft administration in Ohio on virtually all issues important to Ohioans.

We all saw an example of the GOP at its worst last week with the e-mail that had been sent by a high level operative in the state Republican party . This wasn't an unpaid volunteer, but an upper level staffer who sent the message basically trying to smear our candidate for governor.

The silence from the Republican leaders in Ohio locally and in Columbus has been deafening and this episode is indicative of tactics seen at the National level courtesy of Karl Rove.

I say we need to reject this type of dirty campaigning, although I concede that since the GOP can't really run on its pathetic record over the past 16 years, we'll likely see more of the same.

Let's send them a message in November that this is unacceptable and will no longer be tolerated in Ohio.


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