Saturday, February 07, 2009

Classic moment re 2008 election

Today, while my four year old daughter was "helping" me clean the bathrooms in our house and actually cleaning the toilets, she asked the following question: "Who is that guy that didn't have a license to clean toilets"?

Very funny line from an astute four year old who thankfully has been spared from all the rhetoric regarding the famous unlicensed plumber/newsreporter/jack of all trades. Here in Ohio, some "leaders" had the priority above all else to pass a bill making sure future unlicensed plumbers who claw their way into their 15 minutes of fame are protected. Not saying we shouldn't protect our citizens and their identities, but surely there are bigger fish to fry if one looks carefully at where we are as a state and what our real priorities should be.

Have a good evening.


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